Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Like A Mary-Go-Round...

Walking along the ever chaotic people filled pavement down that busy street of some unknown district in a well-known city; i find my presence inevitably in the unknown. They were all laughing, talking about how their day went by in pairs and groups of four. With cars and trucks buzzing hastily by the road, emitting the all so familiar smell of carbon gases. I lit up my cigarette, adjusted the straps of my bag and continued down that long journey in this safe but crazy world.

There is certainly no where like home yet, everyone leaves home for a depending if not fixed period of time everyday. In between that time frame, many characters come into play. Whether your meeting your boss or your colleagues at work or hanging with friends for a drink or a movie. We put up different suits and roles just to fit in the society of whatever that is required. Some call it socializing, others call it adapting; i call it a play. Life is like a play on stage, characters changes with the scenes and the colorful drama-filled ethics. Now, knowing that is it safe to say that we are all alone; deep down inside.

As the day passes by, i find myself disturbingly uncomfortable with the word socializing. Maybe perhaps the quiet, introvert me is the only thing that isn't a suit. Now, i wonder.....

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