Wednesday, June 30, 2010

I cant see...

Days passed and the skies turned from dark to gray. The more i tried desperately to figure out why, here i am missing the clicks made from a very old refrigerator that i used to fantasize about when i was just a few years younger. Those were the days when i felt all so terrified, so alone somehow. No matter who i was with or whom i was hanging out with, it was never enough.

College turned out just fine; crazy company fit for a crazy man like me. A group of friends whom we danced like monkeys and laughed about nipples over cigarette sessions just by the staircase. Meeting up for assignments yet ended up doing something else instead; and i met a boy whose all so perfect like a friend i never had. He has small eyes, messy hair, rather tall (taller than me) and a rather simple personality. You got to love his smile, his walk, his gestures and his voice. A unique one i would say; im happy i met you.

How much more could one possibly expect? Well im satisfied for now XD thanks.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Go Go Rangers!

I write whatever that comes to my mind. They say im crazy, well im not. Haven't been updating much lately, no more blues or jazz. Norah Jones bites the dust; Stevie Ray Vaughn keeps his guitar in the cemetery. Those were the nights when i felt all so alone, scared and empty. Those nights where hid myself in my secret fantasy getaway, with all so much to blog about. But now?