Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Been wondering for so long, all that brain juice wasted; enough to even power a car around the globe 3 times. In life there is just way too many answers to a question that just leaves you wondering more about whether you've got the right answer.Like what they used to say, life, is just like a roller coaster ride. There are always ups and downs. The weight on my shoulders are getting heavier by the day. The future seems so far away, and lights seemed so dim. So many ideas put to waste due to my lack of incompetence. Giving up halfway like what my friend used to tell me and still does. What am i really good at doing? What makes me happy? Are we all given something in life thats with us from the beginning, yet unnoticed? Quiet it is these days. Every-night trying hard to empty that damn brain of mine. Im so good in giving advice and comforting people, yet all that i've said makes no difference to me. I turn a deaf ear to my own words and wisdom that i implement to those who needed them during their hard times. Why can't i just do what i tell people to do? I feel so trapped somehow....

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